The Importance of Appointment Scheduling and Reminders for Auto Repair Shops
Learn about the importance of appointment scheduling and ensure your auto repair shop stays on top of its appointments with the help of scheduling and reminders.
Running a successful automotive repair shop
Owning and operating a prosperous auto repair shop is the goal of many people who are passionate about cars all around the world. Car repair is a hobby for a lot of people, and as a direct consequence, a lot of firms established themselves because of this hobby. The difficulty of owning and operating a […]
Improving customer service in the auto repair industry
In the business of car repair, keeping these tips thing in mind can help you provide better service at your shop and attract more customers: 1. Make a favorable first impression. Clients from the automotive industry who come into your store complaining about problems with their vehicles are often not happy to be there. It’s […]
Can digital vehicle inspection improve your customers’ auto repair experience?
An example of a typical situation involving car inspections using paper forms The customer brings the car in for service and discusses the problems with the service advisor. This representative shares this information with the technician who does the necessary inspections and explains the remedies on paper. This piece of paper is then given to […]
This is why your company should switch to digital inspections
Before beginning any kind of work on a car, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive inspection. However, the clients almost invariably have issues with the manner the procedure is carried out. As a result, the customers’ needs would be adequately met if they were informed of the entire process and all the aspects that […]
How to run a successful automotive repair shop
Provide regular discounts in order to bring in new clients. When launching a new business, it is common practice for proprietors of small businesses and even of larger body repair shops to provide discounts in an effort to increase their level of activity. We recommend that you occasionally offer a discount on your services or […]
Why does your business need digital vehicle inspections?
Not only can digital vehicle inspections make things simpler for consumers, service advisers, and owners, but they also directly benefit mechanics in a number of significant ways. Miscommunication or a lapse in communication between the shop and the customer, as well as between the service desk and the repair bay, may be a source of […]
What is a digital inspection?
The main idea here is that, in general, the vast majority of people prefer to use digital media and digital tools since they can save time, money, and paper in the process. When we consider the field of auto maintenance in particular, we see that there are even more options to go paperless beyond simple […]
When You Raise Your Labor Rates, You Win!
Notice the keyword in the title “When”. Too many businesses are slow to raise their labor rates. They put it off far too long and suffer the consequences of low profits. The consequences of low profits are low morale and high employee turnover, equipment failure, deferred maintenance of the facility, little to no income for […]
How To Make An Easy $31,200 Increase In profits In 2022.
What’s the easiest way to make that kind of money? It’s not increasing you labor rate. It’s not increasing your parts margin. It’s not cutting costs. It’s not trying to increase car count. What is the secret? Improving your shop’s productivity! The statistical productivity average for shops is around 65%, depending on which report you […]
Price MarkUp Matrix – Key To Profitability
You make money in your business by selling only two things: parts and labor, nothing else. In this article we will be looking at how to make more on the parts side using the Price MarkUp Matrix. Other Industries Use Price MarkUp Matrix Like many other industry trainers and coaches, I teach all my clients […]
Stop Giving Invisible Discounts
I work with many shops that give “invisible discounts”. They are giving away profits every day and their customers don’t know it, nor can the customer see it or appreciate it. What are invisible discounts? They are discounts that are given to the customer, but the discount does not show up on the invoice. The […]
Cost cutting – not the answer to increased profits.
I have spoken with thousands of shops and almost all have the same talent – cutting costs. Cutting costs seems to be the most common way to try and increase profits. It reminds me of the story of a dog owner who was tired of spending so much money on dog food. So, he trained […]
Discounts – do you know how much you are giving away?
One of my clients was complaining about poor profits, but was not aware how many dollars were going to discounts (coupons, specials, groups, etc.) We set up coupons for every type of discounts and ran a Discount report 30 days later. He discovered that he had given away almost $8,000 in discounts! Using a coupon […]
Is Pre-Scheduling Appointments Right For Your Shop?
Is Pre-Scheduling Appointments Right For Your Shop? I was listening to a podcast about auto repair shops and the subject of scheduling the next appointment came up. They mentioned in that in their research about 50% of customers were good with scheduling the next appointment. As often as I hear from shop owners that their […]
Estimating Guide – give yourself some ‘wiggle room’
Ever make a quote using the Estimating Guide and found it to be a little shy of the time it should take to do something? (The Mitchell1 Prodemand labor times a highly accurate, but never perfect – none of the guides are.) To help offset these variables bump your times. Go to: Setup – Standard […]
Productivity – How To Raise Profits Quickly.
Surveys show the average shop is only 68% productive. Translation: for every 8 hours a tech works, they produce about 5.75 hours of labor. How can you improve this quickly and easily? Share the techs’ numbers with them daily. Manager SE has simple reports to help you do this.Go to: Reports – Accounting – Tech Productivity. […]
Productivity, New Customers, or Existing Customers
It’s a New Year! I hope you enjoyed your Holidays and are ready to get a jump start this year. If you are like most auto repair shops, you have plans of making more sales and profits this year than you did you last year. Your auto repair shop can either raise your R.O. count […]