Save time the next time you need to print something from the Manager SE by having it print directly to the printer.
Save valuable time and start bypassing the print preview screen. Next time you press print, the estimate, techwork sheet, R.O, or invoice will just print. No need to select print and how many copies.
Even if you choose to bypass the print preview before it prints you can still easily see the preview. If you find you do not like this you can simply choose to have it preview before it prints.
Once you open the Manager SE, you will select Configurations, then scroll down toward the bottom and select “Reports/Printers/Lube Sticker”. Then you will see a selection of Radio buttons. Select either Estimate, Repair Order, Techwork sheet, or Invoice. Then turn off the “Default Print To Screen” option. After that you will want to select the amount of copies you want to print by default. If you need to see the print before it prints, then select “File” from the upper left corner and choose “Preview”.