This new wiring diagram update will save your technicians a lot of time. The connectors can be clicked within a wiring diagram, automatically switches to other wiring diagram when available and a history to go back to your previous diagram.
This video explains them to you.
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Here are a few screen captures and more detail.
Arrowheads- Navigate from one diagram set to another diagram set
Arrowheads at the end of the trace are the visual cue that a trace is better served by another diagram set. Click the blue hyperlinked wiring system to be directed to the related diagram set.
Triangles- Navigate within a diagram set
The triangles within a diagram suggest another diagram within the existing diagram set that has a better view of the trace. Click the hyperlinked wiring to be directed to the supporting diagram.
Dropdown history of the last 10 wiring diagrams you navigated
This allows you to quickly navigate back to a previous diagram using our history dropdown —that previous diagram is just a click away. Simply click a particular diagram shown in the drop-down and you’ll go directly there. Simple and easy!
Connectors, grounds and splices are searchable
Type in the connector, ground or splice into 1Seach Plus, and you will be presented with any data we have for that item.
Connectors, grounds and splices are now clickable links that take you directly to related content
Click on any blue link and you will be presented with any data we have for that item.
The images below show the information returned when the user clicked on “Connector C275.”
With this release, we’ve taken the technology that powers the ProDemand wiring diagrams to yet another level, while still keeping the navigation simple and intuitive to help you easily and quickly find the exact information you need for an efficient and accurate diagnosis and repair.