This site is provided for Mitchell 1 independent sales contractors with permission from Mitchell 1. The official Mitchell 1 website can be found at

Get Shop Stuff

Accounting Link

Easily send your Manager SE data to QuickBooks or other accounting software.

Accounting Link

With just a few clicks, the day’s activity is verified and transferred to your accounting software. The setup is flexible and enables you to see as much (or as little) detail as you like in your accounting software.

Woman doing accounting
Manager SE Integration

Taxes, fees, customer, history, P.O.s and more are transferred over to QuickBooks or your accounting software.

Perform Anywhere

No need to visit the auto shop daily to get sales data information. This action can be performed anywhere you are.


Quickbooks | Sage Peachtree | Epicore | Sage BusinessWorks | Sage Simply Accounting

Get a live demo

Reach out to your local ISC to learn more and get a live demo of the Prodemand product.

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Website Theme #4

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Refer & Earn

How Does It Work?

Your shop can earn a complimentary month (up to $184 value) toward your monthly subscription for each shop you refer to Your Local Mitchell 1 Rep. It is our way of saying “thanks” for spreading the good word about our products.

Submit a Referral

My Expert

Your Mitchell 1 Rep is always the best way to find the right solution for your shop.