Simplify your end of day by reporting with a few clicks. If your auto repair shop has been selecting each report, then changing the date, to then print it; you will save yourself much time by using the End of Day utility in the Manager SE.
If you are manually entering your sales data into Quickbooks (or another accounting software) then you should take a look at Accounting Link. This will allow you to pull your Manager SE data from wherever you are and then push it into Quickbooks.
- Click on ‘report’
- Choose the tab on the upper page that you want
- Then you will choose your ‘from’ & ‘to’ ( then the report will appear on the screen)
(Once you know which tab and name of the report you will…)
- Press ‘configuration’ and ‘end of day reports’ (the ones you want should be check boxed)
- Press ‘utilities’ and hit ‘end of the day’
- Then hit ‘start’
End Of Day Video
New To Manager SE Video Series
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